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super star misheard

I'm just feeling deeper llama
Deep don't let me down
Long day cycle, owing Golem
I can't catch four-ring star

Yesterday were inside on me
Almost every day
Dark brown hay and eyebrows
Young face, smiling into me

I wanna talk to you
And tell him Mum is well
I want it come from me
The story makes me good

I'm a broken letter, son
Yes to going down oversea
I will kill my super star
One way! My dream!

You're my orange just be joyful
Shining brighteh-ly
And then favorite dirty dream was
Like a steady stream

I won a set to you
I look up to say
A feeling I can't hide
I've been sick of virture

I'm a broken letter, son
Yes to going down oversea
I will kill my super star
One way! My dream!

Lyrics and video created by purpl3kiwi.