If you would like to be credited for your contribution, include your name, whether or not you would like your email to be linked, and a link to your webpage if you would like that to be linked as well. If you do not specify, I will assume you wish to remain anonymous, or that you do not want your email or website linked.
With all submissions, please include whether it is your own work or if it is from another source. If it is from another source, please specify where.
Only submit English lyrics that you have confirmed to be accurate by looking at a noodles booklet or a page online. Do not attempt to type out lyrics by ear. Yoko's voice may be sexy, but her accent is far too thick and her English is not nearly good enough to attempt typing out lyrics by simply listening to the song.
Only submit Japanese lyrics you have confirmed to be accurate by looking at a noodles booklet or a page online. If you transcribed them yourself and are not fluent in Japanese, please specify in your email so I can double check them. Same goes for translations.
When emailing me lyrics, please send them either in the body of the email or as a Notepad attachment. Do not attach Microsoft Office or other programs as I may not be able to open them.
I don't know how to play guitar, bass, or drums, let alone read tabs, so I won't be able to double check these. Just please take the time to make sure what you send is accurate. Send tabs as a Notepad or WordPad attachment, as copy/pasting them will mess them up. Be sure to specify what song and instrument the tabs are for.
Attach pictures and videos directly to the email (I prefer you don't send download links). Be sure to mention of what the picture/video is and whether or not it is your own work. If it is not your own work, please specify from where you got it.
Please include any text contributions in the body of the email, or at least as a Notepad attachment. Be specific about what exactly you're sending me and from where you found it (if you're sharing general information about noodles, I will need to double check and make sure it is factual).