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Do you have lyrics that aren't listed on this website?
How about translations for Japanese lyrics? Maybe album scans,
or guitar tabs, or other fun noodles-related stuff? Then you
should share it for other noodles fans to enjoy! Lesson 1 is
always thrilled to look over contributions to the website. Simply
read over the quick guidelines for making submissions and
send it my way. I, and every other noodles fan out there, will thank
you! ♥
Submission form
If you are having trouble with the above form, you can also email me
directly at
I look forward to hearing from you!
What I'm looking for
lyrics (English and Japanese)
translations of Japanese lyrics
lyrics typed out in Japanese script
tabs (guitar, bass, drums, piano, flute, anything!)
music videos
album booklet scans
pictures of T-shirts and other merchandise
links to purchase T-shirts and other merchandise
fan pictures and videos of concerts, etc.
fan art
individual biographies of Yoko, Ikuno, and/or Ayumi
translations of diary entries
fun information/materials not listed on the website
any and all other noodles-related stuff!